Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Picture: deviant ART
Title: The Eversong Fairy
Url: http://slumberdoll.deviantart.com/art/The-Eversong-Fairy-87064875
Owner: Slumberdoll
I dislike this picture because i am obsessed with fairies. I have always felt that fairies are associated with fantasy and this picture is so far from it, its dissappointing. Sure the colors are catchy, blah blah, the actual fairy is so fake looking it makes me sad. The whole essence of a fairy, to me, is her face and wings, and this picture does little justice to her face. Her wings are pathetic excuses for wings and the color chosen for the fairy is a dissappointment as well. The reason for this is since her hair is blonde, i would expect her to wear white and have a softer background, as far as fairy essence goes, but this nature-associated background should mean the fairy is dark-haired and should be dressed in earth tones to match. In my opinion a fairy should always fit her surroundings, but stand out as well.